You’re More Than a Customer

Author Anthony J. D’Angelo observed that “Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.”

To a large degree, this reflects Dixie Electric’s philosophy toward our consumer members and the territory we serve. As a cooperative, we have a different “bottom line.” While our priority is always to provide reliable and safe energy, there is another equally important part of this equation. Your well-being and that of the larger community that we serve are of paramount concern.

To us, you are not just a customer; you are a member of our co-op and without you, we would not exist.

Since our inception, we have sought feedback and engagement from you and that of the larger community to guide our long-term decisions. This is why we hold annual meetings and other events, such as Energy Fairs in the summer months. We host events like this to engage with you and obtain your feedback.

We strive to find ways to help you use energy more efficiently. We’re always looking to explore more options that will help you manage your energy use such as Comfort Advantage's new home construction program or our Prepay program for billing. In short, we are always seeking to keep pace with the changing energy environment, evolving technology, and shifting expectations.

Dixie Electric’s members help guide important co-op decisions that improve and enrich the community. We value the perspective of our board members, who are members of the co-op and community – just like you.