Safety Starts with You

Tips for spotting potential electrical hazards in your home

May is National Electrical Safety Month, and here at Dixie Electric Power Association, we think it’s a great time to look around your home and check for potential safety hazards.

Remember, every electrical device has a purpose and a service lifespan. While we can extend their useful life with maintenance and care, none of them are designed to last or work forever.

When electricity is involved, damaged or worn-out electronics or appliances can present electrical hazards that might be avoided with a quick inspection. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, approximately 51,000 electrical fires are reported each year in the United States, causing more than $1.3 billion in annual property damage. Many of these fires can be avoided if we simply inspect our homes.

Electricity is an essential necessity for modern living, and Dixie Electric is committed to providing safe, reliable, and affordable power to all of our members. We’ve provided some electrical safety tips on our website under safety or go to My Electric Cooperative Website for information.

Randy Smith
General Manager