Modernize your Membership with Levelized Billing

Dixie Electric offers several billing options to help meet your needs as a member. With a strong focus on innovation, Levelized Billing is designed to help modernize and simplify your billing experience. Get familiar with Levelized Billing by reading up on the answers to these frequently asked questions:

What is Levelized Billing?

Levelized Billing is calculated by taking an average of the previous 12 months of electricity use, keeping your payment amount the same from month to month.

What if I’m a new member and don’t have a history with Dixie Electric?

Levelized Billing is a service available for Dixie Electric members whose service has been established for 12 months. The member’s account must be paid in full when signing up for Levelized Billing, and the account must have been in good standing for the entire calendar year. If a new member is interested in signing up for Levelized Billing, they should choose to make on-time payments for their first year of service to be eligible after their first-year anniversary.

Why should I choose Levelized Billing?

This option allows members to have a more consistently priced bill year-round, even during high-energy consumption seasons. By reducing the variation in monthly bills, members can more accurately budget each month.

Does Levelized Billing lower the amount of my bill?

Levelized Billing takes a yearly average of your energy use and determines your monthly payment. Your actual monthly energy use is still monitored and recorded, and the amount of your Levelized Billing is then adjusted at the end of the year, depending upon your current energy consumption. It is still the members’ responsibility to manage their energy use to lower the amount of their bill.