Giving Back to Our Community

Over the years, you’ve heard or read about Dixie Electric’s support for our community. This is one of the core principles that sets cooperatives apart from other types of businesses. Caring for our community is a responsibility that we take to heart, and this year it means even more.

Over the past few months, like so many of you, we’ve risen to meet new challenges and strengthen the safety net for our community, particularly for those who are most vulnerable. The COVID-19 pandemic and the April tornadoes caused us to make numerous adjustments to our programs and operations to maintain health and safety while serving you.

Now, with the holidays fast approaching, these recent events have caused us here at Dixie Electric to pause and think about the role we play in our community. While our purpose is to provide safe and reliable energy to you, and the members we serve, we have a greater mission––to be a catalyst for good.

For more than a decade, we’ve held a charity golf tournament to provide financial support for charitable organizations in our service area. Our golf tournament had to be canceled last March due to COVID-19 restrictions. To still meet the needs of the organizations that we made a commitment to support, our board of directors approved a donation of $4,000 to be matched with individuals and businesses golf fees who were willing to donate them. I’m excited to announce that we were able to split $11,000 among the charities because golfers and sponsors were so generous.

The charities are the American Cancer Society, the Junior Auxiliary of Laurel Secret Backpack program, Junior Auxiliary of Wayne County Backpack Buddies program and the secret backpack programs coordinated by Macedonia Baptist Church and First Baptist Church of Petal. The secret backpack programs provide food to school-age children; the food is secretly placed in their backpacks on Friday afternoons, so they have food through the weekend.

Dixie Electric also invests in the economic development of the community through an active role in our local Chambers of Commerce. Supporting the local business community has been a priority in a year when COVID-19 restrictions and weather have affected so many of our local businesses.

Concern for community is the heart and soul of who we are. And no matter what the future brings, you can count on your electric co-op. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your friends at Dixie Electric!