SmartHub faqs

How do I sign up for the SmartHub app?

To download the mobile app:

  1. Download the SmartHub app from the iPhone App Store or the Android Marketplace. (Please note SmartHub is one word.) If duplicate apps appear with the same name, National Information Solutions Cooperative provides the correct app.
  2. Find “Dixie Electric Power Association” by location or name and confirm.
  3. Enter your email and password or select, “New User” if you don't have an online account set up already.

To use the SmartHub web app:

  1. Go to Dixie Electric and select “My Account.”
  2. Enter your email and password or select, “New User” if you don't have an online account set up already.
What is the difference between the Mobile app and the Web version of SmartHub?

The mobile app is a native application that can be downloaded and installed on your compatible mobile phone or tablet device. The web version is internet accessible from any web-enabled device. Both apps and the web version give you secure access to maintain your account information, view present and archived bills, pay a bill, see payment history, and set up a recurring payment. The mobile app also provides information and links to report a power outage and contact information for all Dixie Electric offices.

Is my phone or tablet supported?

SmartHub applications are available for Apple and Android products including IOS 3.1 or above on iPhones and iPads and Android 2.1 and above on Android smartphones and tablets.

Is the app secure?

Yes. All critical information is encrypted in every transaction run and no personal information is stored on your mobile device. Mobile devices do offer you the ability to store your login information for apps installed on your device. If you choose to store your login information, any person who has access to your mobile device or tablet can access your account.